Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Unbearable Futility of Being

Faithful cadets, I'm sure you've been waiting with baited breath to see the transcript of my interview with Sir Albert Franken. Yes? Well too bad! I'll get to it when I do! If I do, for that matter. I just have a simple question to pose to all of you. What's the fucking point of it all? Why do we trudge through our trifle existences with some erroneous notion that it has any kind of meaning at all? Because I'm here to tell you faithful cadets that it has no meaning at all. None. Some may say that our purpose is to perpetuate the species, to create the next generation and blah blah blah...... Why? So they can grow up and reallize that they too are part of a vicious wheel of futility? No thanks! I've been called a ruthless bastard a time or two, but I'm not so ruthless as to subject anyone to that same desperate feeling of worthlessness. And if that is our sole purpose, then what about those poor bastards that will never have a chance to further the species because no one of the opposite sex will give them the time of day? Should they not just be culled at birth to save themselves the agony of lonliness? As you can probably tell my faithful cadets I've had one too many drinky drinkies this evening, but it's frustrating when you're as brave a hero as I am and you are in a building filled with beautiful ladies and they look right past you as if you're nobody. Nobody! I'm the greatest hero the universe has ever known and I don't even exist to them! Some of them might not even be here if my heroic exploits hadn't saved their planet from certain destruction, but do I get any thanks? No! "You're Captain Who of the What?" they always reply, and it's utter bull shit! I'm sure Stan "The Scam" Marino and his cronies will have a field day with this post, but you know what? Stan "The Can" Marino can screw his whore mother! I simply don't care! Bring on whatever false charges you want you lying bastard son of a muzak composer! I will be proven innocent in the end. Sometimes I think the Ole Cap'n got it right when he offed himself........

Until a more sober and collected time,

This is Captain Walrus signing off!

PS: And Moscow Karl, you can go screw yourself, your whore mother, and that communist tripe you unsuccessfully try to masquerade as coffee. I'll be glad when I have the use of my own computer again!

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