Faithful cadets, I can only conclude Stan "The Scam" Marino must be spending every cent that he stole from the good Cap'n on his attempt to frame me for Bosworth's death. Today the United States FBI, who I might add has no jurisdiction in the Gawndorff System where I currently reside, conducted the third surprise raid on my beloved PMS Arthritic Badger. This time they brought 3 consultants, who they said were invaluable at "finding new evidence that may not have otherwise been obvious before". On a more positive note, later this evening I will be making my highly anticipated appearance on
Air America where I will be giving my official media statements to that bastion of unbiased journalism Al Franken. For those of you who will not be able to tune in, I will be posting the transcript and photos here on my Cosmos of love.
Until then,
This is Captain Walrus signing off!
John Ashcroft, Newt Gingrich, and the floating head of J. Edgar Hoover (All of whom share fashion tips) instruct their G men on the most discreet way to find new evidence in their own pockets and make it work against me.