Sunday, September 11, 2005

So Maybe I Was Wrong.....

Faithful cadets, I believe apologies are in order to a certain spectral entity that was the subject of my last post. Remember that story I posted? Turns out it never happened. I just got back from my monthly session with my hypnotherapist, Mudgor The Mind-Melder, and through intense hypnotic regression therapy we discovered that the whole thing was just a bizarre hallucination brought on by a near fatal propane overdose. Those blazing red eyes that i saw were apparently a pair of blinking red stoplights. The rest of it? The creation of my poor volatile gas riddled brain. What I neglected to mention before is that I awakened from the whole episode in the middle of a busy intersection to angry honking and a very stern looking West Virginia state trooper knocking on my window. I guess that's what happens when "going out for dinner" means purchasing 3 propane tanks from Lowe's and inhaling the entire contents in the parking lot. So this is me eating a huge slice of humble pie and extending my apologies to Mothman, and to all of you, my faithful cadets.

Until next time,

This is Captain Walrus signing off!

PS: Mothman, I must inform you that though I was wrong about this particular event, I must leave you on my villains list for certain terrifying personal habits that you have. I'm sure you understand.

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