Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More Cinematic Glorification of a Bonafide Hero Hack

Faithful cadets, it has come to my attention that they are preparing to release another movie about that third rate charlatan, Superman. It's an absolute outrage! First off, I thought he was dead, and I mean the actual "hero" not the actor that played him in the first string of movies. ( I was a fan of Christopher Reeve, and I especially loved his portrayal of It Zwibble in Earthday Birthday.) What I mean is that I thought that that weakling Doomsday finally exposed that steroided boyscout for the fraud that he was. I know this is probably very shocking to all of you to hear me saying such horrible things about the most beloved hero of all time, but most of you have no idea just how corrupt or just how much of a pompous, fame-whoring, egotistical asshead he is.

Here he is! Fame whore extraordinaire!

Just ask anyone who's worked with him. Everyone hates him. Except Wonder Woman of course, they were always sneaking off to Wonder Woman's apartment to do a bit of "heroic sparring", which contrary to what a certain mall-centric movie may have led you to believe, did not prove to be fatal for her. ( Just take a look at all of the patched holes in the ceiling and walls to find out how they got around that little dilemma.)

"Why yes, I am a tramp! "

Basically Superman is only ever there to have his picture taken and to steal the attention away from the real heroes. He sits around and waits for other heroes to wear down any trouble makers and then he comes whooshing in without so much as a hello just in time to finish off the villain (usually with one well placed punch, which by that time can be achieved by a toddler) and then lands flashing his perfect smile to all of the gathering media and takes all of the credit for the entire battle. He never could hold his own against a real foe as his fatal battle with Doomsday illustrated, though he magically returned from the dead some time later so I can only assume that the whole thing was just another one of his attention soliciting publicity stunts. Oh, and did I mention that our "beloved all-American hero" was also a communist spy during the cold war? You may not believe it, but it's true! I have photographic proof! So please for the love of all that is good and heroic DO NOT go see this new piece of blatant over-glorification. If you simply must see it, do so only for Kevin Spacey's portrayal of Lex Luthor, and let's hope together that this time he triumphs over our mutual nemesis and puts his fraudulent saga to bed for good!

Until next time,

This is Captain Walrus signing off!

But that doesn't mean you have to watch him!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My God, Has it Been 2 Months?

Faithful cadets, I'm back! Sorry about the swift and sudden departure, but surely if you've been within a yard of a television set you'll know the reason for absence from my beloved Cosmos of Love. I'm speaking, of course of my record breaking intergalactic tour with the mariachi band Falo Gigantesco De La Energía and our quintuple platinum selling album Capitán Walrus del cosmos y del sombrero el ofrecer Falo Gigantesco De La Energía. After our wildly successful tour of the Boise nightclub circuit the calls came pouring in requesting performances all across the universe! We smashed records for ticket sales at all of our epic concerts and soon our beloved fans were crying out for a copy of our groundbreaking music conveniently packaged on compact disc. At first we refused, fearing that an album might harm our ticket sales, and the result was disastrous! Our ticket sales did not decline (quite the opposite actually), but soon after, concert bootlegs started to appear by the thousands and people were paying phenominal amounts of money to get their hands on them! Now i'm not a greedy man by any means, but let's face it bootlegs are illegal, and that i cannot stand for! So, to stem the flow of illegal bootlegs we released our own official album, and it was a rousing success! It went triple platinum in the first two and a half minutes! Well, may faithful cadets, i am weary from my musical exploits and must retire to my new $6.5 million bed in new $17 billion estate. Take care, and I'll fill you in on the meatier details of the last few months tomorrow.

Until then,

This is Captain Walrus signing off!